速報APP / 健康塑身 / Have a Break ~ Break alarm

Have a Break ~ Break alarm



檔案大小:27 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 阿拉伯文

Have a Break ~ Break alarm(圖1)-速報App

It is known that frequent sitting have negative effects on health, so take a break every 20-60 minutes. For a minute or two.

Have a Break ~ Break alarm(圖2)-速報App

Have a Break is a flexible work-break reminder, where you can set unlimited number of alarms. Additionally, the app does countdown alarms, recurring alarm, and one-time alarm.

Have a Break ~ Break alarm(圖3)-速報App

The application allows the user to choose the alarm period, the rest period and repeat during the week.

Have a Break ~ Break alarm(圖4)-速報App
